Lead-Free Wildlife MN

Advocating non-toxic hunting ammo for wildlife and sustainable shooting sports.

Our Mission

Hasten the transition to non-lead ammunition via public outreach, education, and demonstration. 

Bald Eagle with Lead Poisoning
(Source: Aberdeen American News)

Raising Awareness

Many hunters are unaware of negative impacts from lead ammunition in the field. We aim to help by shedding light on established and growing solutions for non-lead ammo intended for taking game in the field. This collaborative approach can assist the general public make well-informed decisions. 

Non-lead Ammunition Demonstration


We attend and facilitate events throughout the year to engage with hunters and conservationists.

Newcomers and experienced hunters can learn the effectiveness of non-lead ammunition through workshops, demonstrations, the resources linked throughout this site. 


We hope to synthesize information provided by project partners and interested collaborators. 

This allows advocates to efficiently dig as deep as they desire with this work.


Achieve sustainable outcomes for wildlife and easier choices for hunters. Encouraging innovative manufacturing to maintain performance and lower costs for alternative projectiles.


Contact LeadFreeWildlifeMN@gmail.com to Schedule a Shooting Clinic, Workshop, or Webinar!